Sunday 24 July 2016

Where do we start?

For several years now, my husband Mike and I have been discussing the possibility of moving to Ecuador.  Currently we live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.  Despite being born in Canada, we are tired of the cold, hard winters and would like to spend the next stage of our lives in a moderate climate where we can enjoy the outdoors all year round.

After some initial research, we found that one of the best climates in the world is in Ecuador, South America.  Depending on where you are in the country, the temperature ranges from about 18 degrees Celsius to 30 degrees Celsius for most of the year.  In comparison, our current climate ranges from -40 degrees Celsius in winter, to 35 degrees with 99% humidity in July and August.

The second major requirement for our new place to live is affordability.  Like many North Americans, we have spent any savings we had on raising our children and getting them started in life. Research on cost of living in Ecuador revealed that it is incredibly cheap to live in this beautiful country. Visas are not difficult to get, and it is possible to work in almost any industry, if you wish to supplement your income.

We have three wonderful girls who are rapidly entering adulthood! Our oldest daughter Lea is 19 years old, and entering her 3rd year of university in September. Our youngest children, Erin and Sara, are 16 years old and will be entering their final year of high school in September. With these changes, we have come to see an opportunity for Mike and I to do something totally different from our current lifestyle.

Where do we start?

This August 3, 2016, Mike and I will have been married for 25 wonderful years.  We have been planning a trip to Ecuador to celebrate our anniversary and get to know the country we would like to call home. For us, this trip will be the beginning of our adventure.  We have spent hours on the internet learning about this country, and more hours learning basic Spanish skills.

During our trip, we will be travelling to multiple destinations along the coast of Ecuador, comparing climates, local resources, opportunities for small business or other employment, and culture. We want to live somewhere that we can become an integral part of the local community.  For us this will be primarily a fact-gathering trip, essential to planning our permanent move in about 2-3 years time.  Some of the towns we are hoping to visit include Salinas, Manta, Puerto Lopez, Canoa, Punta Blanca, Same, and more.

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